Wednesday 18 December 2013


2013, a time in which the Portuguese people are doing all they can to stay strong as a family while a terrible financial crisis is trying to make us weak. Many are struggling within Portugal though there are also some that have made a difficult decision to leave their homes and venture out for a better life in other countries. Whether living inside or outside of Portugal I hope by sharing our history I can remind the Portuguese that we all came from the same beginnings, travelled along the same path, and as a People we have achieved some great moments in history and as a family we have overcome some deep dark lows. 2014 creeps closer day by day, so let's all stand together and move forward as one with our heads held high and our hearts in the right place.

And so I share with you, the story of Lusitânia

As a old nation we must share our wisdom and love with our young so that the spirit of the Portuguese lives on and strong

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